BAPtofect®️-25 10mg Kit
(For Insect Only)


BAPtofect®️-25 10mg Kit<br/>(For Insect Only)

For Insect Only

BAPtofect®️-25 is a revolutionary new transfection reagent offering significant advantages for insect transfection over existing products. Comprised of branched amphipathic peptide capsules (BAPC®️), an entirely new class of nanocarrier, the kit overcomes many of the common transfection issues associated with lipid, protein, and polymer-based products.

BAPtofect®️-25 is:

  • Non-toxic to insects
  • Capable of binding with dsRNA, oligonucleotides, plasmids, and CRISPR-Cas9 components
  • Able to be injected intra-abdominally or delivered orally
  • Non-immunogenic
  • Water soluble
  • Proven to transfect CRISPR products beyond the germline
  • Extremely stable in harsh environments (including the insect gut)
  • Verified safe for honeybees by EPA method toxicology study 

Transfecting with BAPtofect®️-25 yields improved efficacy and accuracy in your experiments. Not only will you experience better distribution of your payload, but the lack of cytotoxicity results in virtually no cell death.  Injection near ovaries produces heritable germline gene editing in subsequent generations. This makes it possible to edit genes across arthropods and bypasses the need for microinjection of eggs, which typically results in their death.

BAPtofect®️-25 is also available with encapsulated florescent dyes to visually confirm cell and tissue transfection.

In addition to the BAPC, each kit includes nano pure water and calcium chloride (CaCl2) to function as a potentiator in the reconstitution process.

Related Published Research


“BAPtofect-25 systems have revolutionized our transfection process and allowed our undergraduate researchers to transfect dsRNA within the first week of being in our lab. Amazingly easy and accurate.”

Dr. James Balthazor
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
Fort Hays State University

“There was no difference in siRNA knockdown of a target protein in CHO cells following transfection with BAPC vs. two other transfection agents (TransIt-X2 and Lipofectamine 3000).  In addition, we found that the presence of BAPC did not affect cell viability after one month of cryopreservation.  We have plans to expand these comparisons to additional cell lines in the near future.”

Dr. Barry Bradford
Professor, Animal Sciences and Industry
Kansas State University

“This technology will enable future medical and therapeutic tools. It carries infinite possibilities.”

Dr. Yoonseong Park
Professor, Department of Entomology
Kansas State University

“The addition of BAPC improves delivery of CRISPR components, plasmids, and dsRNA for heritable gene editing and gene targeting in insect nymphs and adults. The first heritable gene Knockouts, using BAPC-assisted-CRISPR-Cas9, produced G2 mutants from injected adult females.”

The FASEB Journal, Abstract Number: 626.2
BAPC-assisted-CRISPR-Cas9 Delivery into Nymphs and Adults for Heritable Gene Editing
Dr. Wayne Hunter

Research Entomologist

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