Branched Amphiphilic Peptide Capsule Uptake by Aspergillus Nidulans
The ability of branched amphipathic peptide capsules (BAPC) to encapsulate and transport payloads into cells offers new approaches to deliver active ingredients (AIs). Until now, we have found that the BAPC were completely inert in…
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Rat Intestinal Epithelial Cells (IEC-18) Internalize Magnetic Nanobeads (MNBs) Encapsulated Within a Branched Amphipathic Peptide (BAP) Bilayer
To evaluate the effect of BAP encapsulation of magnetic nanobeads on both cellular uptake and cell viability, research was conducted with Branched Amphipathic Peptide Capsule Magnetic Beads (BAPC-MB) and rat intestinal epithelial cells (IEC-18). The…
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Physical Characteristics of 50 and 200 nm Magnetic Beads when Encapsulated with Branched Amphiphilic Peptides (BAP)
Branched Amphipathic Peptide Capsule Magnetic Beads (BAPC-MB) are a new nanoparticle developed for use as in diagnostic platforms. The bases are Maleimide Super Mag Magnetic Beads which are dispersed in 75% ethanol and combined with…
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